Online-self-management platform for people who are sexually interested in children
Support for children and teenagers who are attracted to younger kids
Africa, Middle East, and India
Asia Pacific
Europe and Russia
Stop it Now! Bruxelles – 0800 200 50 – Tchat – Email
Stop it Now! – 0800 14 112
SéOS – 0800 200 99
Troubled Desire : programme en ligne d’auto-gestion
Numéro STOP (Service Téléphonique d’Orientation et de Prévention) – 0 806 23 10 63
Association L’Ange Bleu
Troubled Desire : programme en ligne d’auto-gestion
Kein Taeter Werden (Don’t Offend)
Online-Selbsthilfe-Programm für Menschen, die sich sexuell zu Kindern
Du träumst von ihnen (Just Dreaming Of Them)
0808 1000 900: The Stop It Now! UK and Ireland helpline
One in Four
Troubled Desire: Online-Self-Management
Association DIS NO (FR)
Troubled Desire : programme en ligne d’auto-gestion
Beforemore (DE)
Troubled Desire : Online-Selbsthilfe-Programm
Associazione io-NO! (IT)
Troubled Desire : auto-aiuto online
Latin America and the Caribbean
North America
Talking for change
Troubled Desire: Online-Self-Management
Ça suffit – 1-844-654-3111
Troubled Desire : programme en ligne d’auto-gestion
We are not responsible for the content offered on the websites listed on this page. If you spot any content that is contrary to our values (protection of children), please let us know.